
Hotel Silicon Inn

Silicon Inn by Coastal Crew Hospitality is a good choice for travelers looking for a 3 star hotel in Puri. It is located in Baliapanda. Our Hotel is a Boutique hotel offering comfortable accommodation and warm hospitality. It is located near Baliapanda the famous Puri Beach, Bay of Bengal. It is designed for professional comfort and luxury. One can enjoy the Golden Beach with excellent hotel facilities and services at reasonable price. Puri is documented as one of India top tourist destination.

Hotel Jagannath Inn

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The Go Room Go Silicon Residency
Enjoy a Luxury Experience

Silicon Inn by Coastal Crew Hospitality is a good choice for travelers looking for a 3 star hotel in Puri. It is located in Baliapanda.

Our Hotel is a Boutique hotel offering comfortable accommodation and warm hospitality. It is located near Baliapanda the famous Puri Beach, Bay of Bengal. It is designed for professional comfort and luxury. One can enjoy the Golden Beach with excellent hotel facilities and services at reasonable price. Puri is documented as one of India’s top tourist destination. 3km away from Puri Railway station,2.5km from Jagannath Temple,0.5 Km from Golden Beach and 60 Km from Bhubaneswar Airport.


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